The Senate has just confirmed the Honorable Sonia Sotomayor as the 111th Justice of the Supreme Court by a vote of 68-31. She will be the first Hispanic and the third woman to serve on the Court.
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9 hours ago
Congratulations to Justice Sotomayor. Not who I would have appointed (I would have picked sentimental favorite Robert Katzmann, also from the Second Circuit), but I think she will do a fine job.
It's about time. If I hear one more complaint about the "wise latina" comment, I think I will spontaneously combust.
I think that an overweight Russian-American lawyer in Mississippi would, all things being equal, make a better decision than the healthy WASP judge of your choice, particularly when it comes to which cheese to pair with which wine.
Just think, Justice Cardozo (Jewish-Portugese) missed being the first Hispanic judge because his family was just a few miles west of Spain.
Now, I'd pay good money to watch Chris combust, spontaneously or otherwise. Unfortunately, it only gets worse. I heard a woman refer to her Mexican landscapers as "little Sotomayors" the other day. Oh well.
KF raises an interesting point: we now have a majority of the Supreme Court from Roman Catholic upbringings. Who would have thought this possible during the 1924, 1928, and 1960 political campaigns, when the question whether being an American Catholic presented divided loyalties was considered a serious issue?
Should we expect Pope Benedict to begin filing amicus briefs?
More importantly, 40 years from now, will the Supreme Court have five Mormons? If so, will they all be related by birth and/or marriage?
Thems is fightin' words!
Hopefully the landscapers are able to make better shrub-related decisions than someone who hasn't lived that life.
That is an interesting observation. Unfortunately (fortunately?), nominalism has become so pervasive that it hardly matters anymore what your religious upbringing is.
OK Chris, I actually did Laugh Out Loud. Frankly, I am impressed that they can stay out there long enough to mow the yard. You folks like it hot down here!
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